How the current science discovers empathy - transdisciplinary view on the key to the human soul.

Image credit: Alza


The following publication offers a comprehensive and transdisciplinary view of empathy as social and individually psychological phenomenon. Apart from the complex summary of definitions based mainly on the concept of one of the most influential modern psychologists C. R. Rogers, the authors formulate also answers to following questions What impact can a lack of empathy during childhood have on the individual development? What benefits can arise from the development of empathy for the area of life contentment, interest about others or comprehension of their psychic state? Is there any connection between empathy and prosocial or altruistic behavior? What information brings the “invasion” of exactness and newest research technologies about the empathy or its evolution, heredity or sensitivity to social influences? What can be expected of the future research of empathy? The authors confront Rogers´ concept of empathy with newest findings especially from the field of neurosciences and experimental psychology whereas following implications to the area of psychotherapy, social praxis, ethics and spirituality. They search for the connection between the deficit of empathy and personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficits or hyperactivity. The authors of this study believe that we should not resign to the development of empathy and leave it only to our intuition or “common sense”, especially in the area of interpersonal relationships, upbringing, education or health care. Therefore, in this text they pay attention to some methods successfully evolving the empathy.

Petr Mervart publishing